Webb + Co. provide comprehensive trademark services to meet your commercial needs. Our trademark and design department provide the following services:
Preliminary Stage
We perform a preliminary check of the desired trademark including considering and recommending the right classes of goods and services for the trademark application. We also conduct preliminary searches of Israeli and International trademark databases, to locate either identical or similar trademarks or trademark application, in order to reduce the chances for possible refusal and/or oppositions.
Filing applications for registration of Trademarks; Office Actions; Oppositions
We file applications for the registration of Trademarks in Israel and worldwide. We file applications for the registration of International Trademarks (through the WIPO-Madrid System) based on an Israeli trademark application or Israeli trademark registration, designating other contracting states that belong to the Madrid System; as well as applications for registration of Trademarks in individual countries around the world (through local associates, not through the WIPO- Madrid System).
After filing we respond to Office Actions and oppositions, acting directly in Israel and through local associates in other countries, and monitor the applications all the way through registration.
We represent foreign applicants in Israel including responding to Office Actions and Oppositions issued in relation to International Trademark Applications designating Israel.
Litigation and Enforcement
We prosecute and defend oppositions, revocations, and appeals in Israel and abroad through local associates.
Our services range from informal negotiations for settlement or co-existence agreements, to litigation. In matters of litigation and enforcement we collaborate with Luthi + Co with whom we founded LUTHI+WEBB the Intellectual Property Group.
Post-registration services
We handle Trademark maintenance including renewals, Declaration of use (where applicable), and the like.
We recording changes in name and address of owners, assignments and licenses.
All above services are offered for trademarks as well as for service-marks.