TALI GAT-FALIK, Of counsel
Registered Patent Attorney in Israel since 2006
Ms. Gat-Falik has expertise in computer sciences including software and hardware and vast technological experience from having worked for over 13 years as a senior programmer and team leader in a number of leading hi-tech companies.
Tali started her patent attorney career as a trainee at Soroker-Agmon and continued practicing as a Patent Attorney at that firm for about six years.
She focuses on drafting and prosecuting patent applications as well as strategic planning for high-tech firms, medical devices and other companies.
Ms. Gat-Falik also acts as the Intellectual Property Manager of N-trig, a leading developer and supplier of touch screen devices and technologies.
Education: Ms. Tali Gat-Falik obtained her B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University, and her M.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Cum Laude) from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. She obtained her LL. B. from Ono Academic College.
Contact info: mail@wbpatents.com